Illegal Immigration

Immigration Court Backlog Reaches Almost Half A Million Pending Cases


A recent Syracuse University Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) report shows that federal immigration courts’ backlog of cases awaiting resolution has reached an all time high of 496,704. A third of those cases involve border surge minors (69,278) and family units (74,502) which have increased as a result of the Obama administration’s catch-and-release policies.

DHS: Illegal Border Crossing of Family Units Exceed FY15

Department of Homeland Security


According to the Department of Homeland Security figures by May 2016 more illegal alien family units have been apprehended at the border than in all of FY 2015. 44,524 illegal family units have been apprehended crossing the border so far this fiscal year compared to the 39,838 that were apprehended last year.

Boston Globe Investigation: 30% of Released Criminal Aliens Commit New Crimes


The Boston Globe conducted an investigation review of 323 criminal aliens released in New England from 2008 to 2012 and found that 30% of these criminal aliens went on to commit more crimes, including rape, robbery, and murder, after being released. This is a much higher rate than ICE and the Obama administration have reported.

Borjas Study Shows Illegal Aliens More Likely To Gain Employment Over Native Workers

George Borjas Harvard University


The Wall Street Journal picked up Harvard professor George Borjas’ study that shows how the employment gap for hiring illegal aliens over native born American workers has increased dramatically in the last twenty years. The study suggests that the reason for this is that while American workers would do the jobs they are not willing to work for below average living wages.

Border Patrol Agent Reveals DHS Has 'No Intention' of Deporting Illegal Aliens

U.S. Border Patrol


In testimony released by the House Judiciary Committee on Monday Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, confirmed that he and other border patrol agents were told to release illegal aliens caught at the border since DHS had “no intention” of deporting them.

124 Criminal Aliens Charged With Homicide After Being Released By ICE Since 2010

Center for Immigration Studies


At the request of the Senate Judiciary Committee, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) disclosed information about criminal aliens they have released since 2010, including information that shows that 124 criminal aliens were charged with homicides after being released from ICE custody.

Illegal Aliens Sue Oregon Officials Over Driver's Licenses

Oregon Driver’s Licenses


Two non-profit organizations, Familias En Accion and Los Ninos Cuentan, and five illegal aliens are suing Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, and other state transportation officials saying that their constitutional rights were violated when voters struck down S.B. 833, which allowed illegal aliens to receive driver’s license.

One of the Things President Obama Got Right in His State of the Union

Updated: July 5th, 2017, 4:04 pm


  by  Eric Ruark

On Tuesday night, in his final State of the Union address, President Obama said that “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” While that statement may not be what is technically referred to as a political whopper, a la John McCain’s pronouncement in 2008 that “The fundamentals of the economy are strong;” or even Obama’s own promise that the 2009 stimulus bill would fund hundreds of “shovel-ready” projects, it is misleading, nonetheless.

Repackaging Claims of Economic Boon from Excessive Immigration

Updated: October 11th, 2017, 11:52 am


  by  Eric Ruark

Immigration does “grow the economy” and highly-skilled immigrants do contribute more in taxes than they receive in direct government services (education, healthcare, entitlements, etc.). It would be very difficult to find an economist who disagreed with the above statement.

Camarota: NAS Report Lacks Balance

Updated: December 21st, 2015, 4:20 pm


  by  Eric Ruark

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) has published a report, The Integration of Immigrants into American Society, 50 years after the passage of the Hart-Cellar Act, which eventually resulted in an almost four-fold increase in immigration to the United States. The recent NAS report is similar to one it published in 1997 in that it trumpets the positives of immigration while ignoring the negative consequences of expansionist immigration policies. The report 18 years ago played up the fact that adding millions of immigrants “grows the economy” simply by increasing annual GDP, and it downplayed the enormous fiscal burdens and effects on American workers that result.

The new report deals with issues of assimilation, or as the NAS terms it, integration. Steven Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies looked at the report and has written up his initial thoughts. Camarota, who is one of the nation’s foremost experts on U.S. immigration policy, was disappointed in the lack of balance in the NAS “findings.”

Pew: Many Mexicans Make the Choice to Leave the U.S., Return to Families in Mexico

Updated: July 5th, 2017, 4:06 pm


  by  Eric Ruark

The Pew Research Center released a new report on Thursday that is well-timed given Martin O’Malley’s emphatic, and unfounded, claim that “net immigration from Mexico last year was zero.” We pointed out that O’Malley was conflating legal and illegal immigration, and that he either misinterpreted or misrepresented data from 2007-2014 in order to make the point that illegal immigration was a thing of the past, so therefore is is unreasonable for Americans to demand a secure border.

Reich v. Reich on Immigration and the Economy

Updated: July 5th, 2017, 4:05 pm


  by  Eric Ruark

Robert B. Reich, who served as Secretary of Labor during President Clinton’s first term, has released a video for in which he claims to debunk four “lies” about immigration. Reich’s effort is the worst example of pure political hackery. He simply invents “facts” and tries to convince the viewer of their veracity by looking earnestly at the camera. Reich doesn’t provide any evidence, nor does he come up with any novel argument – it is doubtful he even believes what he is saying – and his so-called facts are easily refutable. But the video is interesting in that much of it contradicts his previously stated views on immigration and economic policy.

Senator tells House to go first on immigration reform


World Magazine -- J.C. Derrick

The U.S. Senate has no plans to write immigration legislation during the 114th Congress, according to the chairman of the committee in which it would originate.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the new chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, made the comments while laying out the panel’s agenda during a press conference Monday at the National Press Club.

Obama Job Approval Poll: Illegal Immigration Is Most Unpopular Issue With Americans


International Business Times -- Howard Koplowitz

The president’s most unpopular stance, according to the poll, is on immigration. Obama announced executive actions late last year that would protect some 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation -- a move that angered Congress and set up a fight between the president and the legislature over how to fund the Department of Homeland Security, which enforces immigration. The agency is set to run out of money later this month if Congress doesn’t secure funding.

Sen. Sessions Warns Dems on Executive Amnesty, Gives Republicans Immigration Primer


The focus is on the Senate now that the House passed legislation to block funding for President Obama’s executive amnesties, so Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., took to the floor to warn Democrats about the seriousness of the coming Senate votes. Before House and Senate Republicans left for a retreat in Pennsylvania, Sen. Sessions’ staff hand-delivered a copy of his new immigration primer and plans to discuss it at the retreat.

House Republicans Ready Attack on Obama’s Immigration Non-Enforcement Policies


House Republican leaders are developing measures for inclusion in the new spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security that would negate the executive amnesties the Obama Administration adopted dating back to 2011, Politico reports. The full House is expected to vote on the funding bill next week.

Number of Illegal Aliens from Caribbean Spikes Amid 'Perceived Changes' to Immigration System


The U.S. Coast Guard has seen a spike in the number of people trying to come to the United States illegally from the Caribbean over the past fiscal year. According to reports, U.S. authorities captured, intercepted or chased away at least 5,585 Haitians, 3,940 Cubans and hundreds from the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean countries trying to enter the country illegally.

Rubio: Republicans Don't Need Immigration "Solution" to Help in 2016 Elections


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who helped develop and promote the Senate-passed comprehensive amnesty bill (S. 744), told the New York Times that Republicans don’t need to pass an “immigration solution” (aka amnesty) in order to help their chances in the 2016 elections. He said those who argue it would result in a “bonanza” of votes for the GOP are lying.

Report: Illegal Border Crossers Surging into Texas Shelters Again


The Tucson Sentinel reports that more “family units” are crossing the border illegally and seeking help at temporary shelters in the Rio Grande Valley. “It doesn’t look like it’s going to end any time soon,” said Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley. “The numbers increased a lot this past month, almost to 100 every day."

ICE Report: Fewer Deportations, More Illegal Immigration in 2014


The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau released its enforcement and removal operations report for fiscal year 2014, which shows that illegal border crossings rose dramatically this year while deportations dropped. Many expect illegal immigration, especially from non-contiguous countries, to surge again in 2015, and the president’s executive amnesty is designed to drive deportation numbers even lower.

Anti-illegal immigration activists look beyond California for action


Los Angeles Times -- Cindy Carcamo

"They see their only hope being the national government," said Roy H. Beck, who heads NumbersUSA, a powerful national advocacy group opposing illegal immigration. "They don't see a solution coming from inside California."

Read the full story at the Los Angeles Times

ICE lawyer’s lawsuit exposes how feds release illegals


The Washington Times -- Stephan Dinan

The Obama administration told federal immigration lawyers to release illegal immigrants with “old” drunken-driving convictions and those found guilty of stealing other people’s identities, according to a lawsuit filed by one of the lawyers at the center of the operation.

Oregon Voters Defeat Referendum on Illegal-Alien Driver Cards By 2-1 Margin


Yesterday voters in the blue State of Oregon rescinded a state law giving illegal aliens access to driver cards by voting down Ballot Measure 88. The citizens veto referendum, which was placed on the ballot by an issue committee called Protect Oregon Drivers Licenses (PODL), gave voters an opportunity to decide whether the 2013 law (SB 833) should be implemented. Voters said “No” by a 68-32 margin.

Pro-Amnesty Karl Rove Endorses Anti-Amnesty Attack Ad

President and Mrs. Bush with Karl Rove


Karl Rove, a top political aide to former President George W. Bush, has long been an amnesty advocate and steered Republican leaders away from the pro-immigration enforcement, pro-American worker elements of the Party. So, as the Daily Signal reports, it is interesting to note Rove’s political action committee, American Crossroads, is running an ad in Iowa that attacks Democrat Rep. Bruce Barley for supporting “immigration amnesty.”

Report: Executive-Amnesty Eligibility May Rest on Time Spent Illegally in U.S., Familial Ties


The Wall Street Journal reports Administration insiders as saying the president’s executive amnesty may use two main criteria in deciding whether illegal aliens get additional protection from deportation - a minimum period of residence in the U.S. and family ties to others in the country. The vast majority of illegal aliens are already safe from deportations due to the Administration’s non-enforcement policies.

Civil Rights Commissioner Warns Obama Executive Amnesty Will Hurt Black, STEM Workers

Commissioner Peter Kirsanow


U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow, in a letter to President Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus, warns that “(g)ranting work authorization to millions of illegal immigrants will devastate the black community, which is already struggling in the wake of the recession.” He also highlights the adverse effects an executive amnesty would have on U.S.-born high-skilled STEM workers.

USCIS Union Chief to Public: Help Stop Obama's 'Massive' Executive Amnesty


In an open letter to the public at large, National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council President Kenneth Palinkas asked for help in stopping President Obama’s plans for a massive executive amnesty. The letter, obtained in advance by Breitbart News, says the draft solicitation for 34 million green cards and work permits “predicts the Administration’s promised executive amnesty.”

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell Calls Out Obama's 'Naive Immigration Policy'


In an op-ed for The Daily Caller, former Secretary of State Ken Blackwell rails against "Obama's pro-amnesty agenda". Blackwell calls Pres. Obama's unwillingness to institute a travel ban on Ebola-stricken countries "an extension of his larger, pro-amnesty, open border position."

Democratic strategist says Obama already stopped deportation threat for nearly all illegal aliens

New Democrat Network logo


CNSNews reports that Simon Rosenberg, a leading Democratic strategist, said that “the threat of deportation over the vast majority of undocumented immigrants in the United States has been lifted” because the Obama Administration is not enforcing immigration laws. He expects Obama to grant executive amnesty to millions of illegal aliens after the midterm election, even though all but criminal aliens already are safe from deportation under the Administration’s “prosecutorial discretion” guidelines.

USCIS Expects Another Border Surge


Leon Rodriguez, the new director of U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS), said his agency is preparing for another surge of unaccompanied alien children and family units this year. As part of that effort, the agency is already hiring more officers to process asylum claims. Some 130,000 illegal aliens have been processed so far as part of this year’s border surge.

Obama Administration Extends Temporary Protected Status for Honduras and Nicaragua


Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson today extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for eligible nationals of Honduras and Nicaragua for an additional 18 months. The TPS designation, originally granted to Honduras in 1999 and to Nicaragua in 2001, gives work permits and legal documents to illegally-present foreign nationals from designated countries.

Patrick plan would allow state to issue special licenses to illegal immigrants


Boston Herald -- Joe Battenfeld, Hillary Chabot

The Patrick administration has informed Homeland Security officials the state “will have the ability” to dole out special driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants as part of its plan to comply with a tougher federal ID law.



Breitbart -- Tony Lee

During Monday's National Security Action Summit, NumbersUSA's Rosemary Jenks, one of the nation's foremost immigration experts, said America must better screen legal immigrants to avoid another terrorist attack.

Jenks pointed out that just this year alone, there have been "474 so-called special-interest aliens from country's linked to terrorism" such as Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Yemen. Jenks asked how a poor person from Yemen would have the funds to come to America.

CIS: Overall Immigration Enforcement Down in 2014, Impacting Job Prospects for Unemployed Americans and Wages for American Workers


The Center for Immigration Studies has issued a new report based on a recent DHS document that shows a decline in interior immigration enforcement in 2014 and, more disturbingly, that 167,000 convicted criminal aliens whose deportations have been ordered are still at-large in the U.S. The report by the Center's director of policy studies, Jessica Vaughan, found that deportations from the interior of the country are down 34% from 2013 and 58% from 2009.

Pres. Obama calls anti-amnesty position 'suicide', but voters respond differently

Updated: October 29th, 2014, 1:55 pm


  by  Chris Chmielenski

At a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, Pres. Obama said it would be political "suicide" for Republicans not to embrace a mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and he reinforced plans to move forward with a large-scale executive action that would grant amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal aliens after the November elections.

Top Republicans Say Obama Delayed Executive Amnesty Based on ‘Raw Politics’


Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., Thursday said White House press secretary Josh Earnest’s recent comments prove ‘raw politics’ were behind President Barack Obama’s decision to delay his executive amnesty until after the election. Earnest had said earlier in the week that Obama delayed action because he was worried Republicans would make political use of the issue.

BP Agent: Border Apprehensions down to 30%


Border Patrol agent, Chris Cabrera, told FoxNews on Thursday that border patrol agents are only apprehending about 30% of illegal border crossings. He also said nothing has been done to beef up border security since in light of warnings that there could be a mass migration to the United States should the Ebola outbreak reach Central America.

L.A. County Renews 287(g) Program


The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to renew its 287(g) program, a federal-state partnership that enables local police to send imprisoned illegal aliens to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau for deportation. Supervisors Gloria Molina, Michael Antonovich and Don Knabe voted to retain the program while Mark Ridley-Thomas and Zev Yaroslavsky abstained.

Best defense for 2014 = Best offense for 2015

Updated: July 24th, 2017, 4:17 pm


  by  Jeremy Beck

The clock runs out on S. 744 in January, but we have to get through the Fall and the looming lame duck session first. The lame duck has long been circled on the calendar as the most dangerous time for us, not just for legislative mischief but also for executive amnesty. As the mid-term election season heats up and boils over into the anticipated battles around the holidays, we're going to see the press-release-driven media fired up as well.
