
Why Did The Unions Today Choose 7 Million Illegal Aliens Over 7 Million Unemployed Americans?

Updated: April 16th, 2009, 10:29 am


  by  Roy Beck

WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE, Pa. -- Just finished a 9-person immigration debate here after doing a live interview on the Glenn Beck Show from a studio in downtown Pittsburgh (if you wondered what the Iron City skyline was doing behind me during my appearance). I'm on to Colorado tomorrow for a Thursday morning debate appearance at Denver University. Did phone interviews with newspaper reporters through each airport as everybody is wondering why in the world would the nation's union leaders take a stand to keep 7 million unemployed Americans from getting a job.

Some Christians Applaud Obama's Push for Immigration Reform


"Some Christian leaders and organizations voiced support for President Obama's indication that he plans to address immigration reform this year, a move that has riled opponents who argue that he should first focus on fixing the economy.

"Christians throughout the United States are energized and encouraged by the courageous steps taken by the Obama administration to prioritize reform of our broken immigration laws," praised Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CCIR) in a statement released on Thursday....

Immigration Reform and Hard Times


The Obama administration said last week that it would begin a major push for immigration reform this year. The country’s two big labor federations just announced that they are joining forces to support that effort, which includes a path to citizenship for undocumented workers. That’s double good news.

New York Times Editorial

Result of Citizen Opposition -- One Wealthy Foundation To Stop Funding Amnesty?

Updated: May 31st, 2017, 2:36 pm


  by  Roy Beck

A tiny bit of hopeful evidence emerges that consistent, long-term and substantial U.S. citizen opposition to the open-borders agenda may eventually back off some of the wealthiest foundations that are funding the pro-amnesty efforts. A report on the website of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation suggests leaving the political arena on immigration because of the great disappointment in losing the amnesty battles of 2007.

Emanuel Now a Backer of Immigration Action


"As the White House gears up to push an immigration overhaul, advocates are finding they have an unexpected ally in White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Mr. Emanuel has long been a voice of caution on easing rules for immigrants, fearing such a position could hurt Democrats at the polls. That stance has antagonized Hispanic lawmakers and activists, who favor a clearer, easier path to citizenship for certain illegal immigrants.

CLOSE TO HOME: One child, one more reason to pass the Dream Act


"Imagine being brought into Sonoma County as an undocumented child. Imagine going from kindergarten through your senior year of high school being a star student and graduating at the very top of your class. And finally imagine contributing hundreds of hours as a community volunteer and being chosen as the Youth Volunteer of Sonoma County— only to discover that as you apply to colleges and universities, that no state or federal student aid funds are available to you.

Standing Up To The Irrational: Can Obama Do It On Immigration? (strange Munoz utterings)

Updated: April 21st, 2009, 11:47 am


  by  Roy Beck

“It just doesn’t seem rational," is how I was quoted in today's New York Times front page story about Pres. Obama supposedly being committed to moving a mass amnesty forward this year. So, for about the next 12 hours, I answered phone calls from print reporters and did radio shows across the country. I told them that Cecilia Munoz is suggesting that her boss, Pres. Obama, thinks it is a good idea to tell 7 million unemployed, less-educated Americans that the jobs they want should continue to be occupied (permanently) by 6 million less-educated illegal foreign workers!

WH won't push immigration issue this year


"Multiple Obama administration officials tell CNN that the White House is not pushing to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year. While it's a top priority for the President's first term, White House spokesperson Nick Shapiro says "the president has consistently said that he wants to start the discussion later this year because our immigration system is broken…but the economy comes first."

Sen. McCaskill (D-Mo.) -- Supports Dream


…McCaskill, in turn, reaffirmed her longstanding argument that the best way to battle illegal immigration is to enforce stiff penalties on employers who knowingly hired illegals and, for example, "put 14 in a hotel room ...and pay them $200 in cash on Fridays" to work as roofing or lawn crews.

Such jobs are the real enticement for illegal immigrants and their disappearance is the best was to discourage it, the senator said.

A Dose of Reality Turns DREAMs into Nightmares

Updated: September 17th, 2010, 11:08 am


  by  Rosemary Jenks

A line-by-line analysis of the DREAM Act reveals no end to the nightmares. (1) The amnesty applies to illegal-alien "kids" up to age 35; (2) no provision requires that aliens provide proof that their claims of eligibility for the amnesty are true; (3) but the feds have to perform costly, time-consuming investigations to prove the claims are false in order to deny an amnesty to anybody; (4) the parents who broke the law to bring these "kids" here can get U.S. citizenship; (5) DREAM would remove the federal ban on in-state tuition for future illegal aliens.

It's back: Immigration heats up


Obama dealt with the immigration issue briefly at the White House on March 18 when the Congressional Hispanic Caucus met privately with the president. Lawmakers said he promised a high-profile event on immigration in the next month or two — but said he did not agree to commit to getting immigration reform passed this year. Instead, he said he’ll support efforts to have Congress take up the issue this fall.

DREAM Act Proposes More than Amnesty

Sen. Dick Durbin


Supporters of Sen. Durbin's DREAM Act will say that the purpose of the bill is to ensure that the children of illegal aliens--who were brought here through no fault of their own and shouldn't be penalized for the sins of their parents--have an opportunity to go to college. What they won't tell you is that it would provide amnesty to any illegal alien under the age of 35 who first entered the United States before the age of 16, has been in the country for at least the last five years, and has earned a high school diploma or GED in the United States.

Rich Immigrants Are Behind $18 Million to Force Passage of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens This Year

Updated: April 7th, 2009, 10:50 am


  by  Roy Beck

Born in 1930 and 1934 (in Hungary and Iran) and moving to the United States in 1956 and 1958, two immigrants are at the heart of a massive flow of money into groups intent on forcing a vote this autumn to grant amnesty to 12 million or more illegal aliens. Is there something just a little unseemly about immigrants using their good fortune to try to radically change the country that adopted them?

A Test To Determine If DREAM Amnesty Sponsors Are Serious About Helping Illegal Teens, Or Do They Just Want To Hurt Americans?

Updated: April 3rd, 2009, 1:31 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Open-borders groups say their top priority this spring is to pass the DREAM Act Amnesty for illegal-alien teenagers. I have some ways you can test a politician to see if he/she is really concerned about those teens, or if the real goal is just to flood as many foreign workers into occupations and neighborhoods as possible. Here's the test . . . .

We must move fast to stop Sens. Reid and Durbin, now that they have revealed their amnesty plans for this year

Updated: March 30th, 2009, 3:07 pm


  by  James Robb

Late last week the Open Borders coalition, in and out of Congress, revealed their plans to push through two major amnesties this year. Now is our chance to stop them.

13.2% Unemployment Rate Shows Bowling Is Not Pres. Obama's Biggest Problem With Disabled Americans

Updated: March 25th, 2009, 9:53 am


  by  Roy Beck

Pres. Obama supposedly got into hot water with disabled Americans last week when he made a joke about his bowling skills and Special Olympics to Jay Leno. But his true insult to the handicapped was his insistence last week on keeping 7 million jobs (currently held by illegal aliens) out of reach. The first-ever official unemployment rate report on the disabled tells the story (and my handicapped wife has a story, too) . . .

Pres. Obama Pulls Rug Out From Under Ex-Convict Pleading for a Job

Updated: March 26th, 2009, 11:58 am


  by  Roy Beck

Today's news reports on Pres. Obama's visit to California include a touching interaction with an ex-convict who has lost his job. But his comments about making sure that illegal aliens keep THEIR jobs illustrates the common occurrence of really smart people at the top of our government who just don't get it. They don't understand that there are a limited number of U.S. jobs and that when you fill those jobs with foreign workers (including illegal ones) American workers lose out. Look at what happened . . .

Americans' Protests Rising Against Pelosi's & Obama's Preference for Illegal Foreign Workers

Updated: July 5th, 2017, 1:53 pm


  by  Roy Beck

The White House switchboard is barely holding on. Fax machines there and in congressional offices are churning out Americans' protest in peak mode. Pres. Obama and House Speaker Pelosi have started a grassroots rebellion with their new statements of prioritizing illegal foreign workers over unemployed Americans. How angry are you? Let me count the ways . . .

NumbersUSA Petition Nearly 4 Times Bigger Than Pro-Amnesty Group's

Updated: March 17th, 2009, 12:34 pm


  by  Phillip Zanders

Some news media are making a big deal about anti-enforcement groups delivering petitions with 38,000 signatures demanding an investigation of Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona. But to put that number in perspective, let’s look at the PRO-enforcement petitions that NumbersUSA recently delivered to the White House.

R-O-P-E Shows How to Strangle Grassroots Influence -- Warmup for Amnesty Passage?

Updated: February 23rd, 2009, 12:19 pm


  by  Roy Beck

We now have seen the ROPE swing into action and show its style. The implications for immigration policy are, frankly, terrifying. R-O-P-E is the Reid-Obama-Pelosi-Emanuel power bloc that called the shots on much of the Stimulus Bill with very little say from anybody else in the end. ROPE decided that illegal aliens would be welcomed to Stimulus jobs and made sure that 533 Members of Congress never got a chance to truly weigh in -- or be held accountable.

Immigration issue on back burner


Roy Beck, a former journalist who directs NumbersUSA, a lobby group in Washington that seeks lower immigration levels, said Obama would "commit political suicide" if he tried to legalize millions of unauthorized workers with so many Americans out of work.

He said migrant activists will likely win some concessions, such as Obama using presidential discretion to slow the unprecedented and ongoing series of immigration raids.

Haitians Denied Temporary Immigration Protection


The Bush Administration has denied temporary protected status to Haitians already living in the United States illegally while the nation recovers from tropical storms. The request for temporary protected status came from Haitian President René Préval to allow tens of thousands of Haitians already in the United State illegally to stay until the island recovers.

524,000 More Americans Lose Jobs in DEC ...... Amnesty Leaders Blast NumbersUSA For Urging Fewer Foreign Workers

Updated: January 19th, 2009, 10:58 am


  by  Roy Beck

America's service industry lost another 273,000 jobs in December, but a major union leader in the industry renewed his call for permanently tying up 7 million jobs (largely service jobs) with the illegal aliens who now hold them. At the same time, other national amnesty leaders yesterday accused NumbersUSA of ugly, divisive politics for our call to suspend most foreign-labor importation while 10 million unemployed Americans look for jobs.

Temporary Protected Status Renewals Decline with Declining Economy


As of last week, only 54 percent of more than 300,000 immigrants from El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua had renewed their temporary protected status. The immigrants with the TPS designation need to postmark their applications by Tuesday to remain in the United States legally. The low number of renewals may be another impact the weakening economy is having on immigrants.

Pro-Amnesty Groups Are Anti-Hispanic-Americans (they prefer illegal workers over 9% unemployed Hispanics)

Updated: June 8th, 2017, 3:38 pm


  by  Roy Beck

The lobbying today on Capitol Hill is intended mainly to intimidate Democratic Members of Congress into thinking that if they don't support Rep. Guitierrez (D-Ill.) and his amnesty plan that they will be seen as anti-Hispanic. But an amnesty would be the most anti-Hispanic action Congress could take in this time of raging unemployment, disproportionately high among Hispanic-Americans.

Pro-Amnesty Groups Lobbying Congress Today


Pro-amnesty grassroots leaders held a press conference this morning to ask Congress and the new Administration for an immediate moratorium on workplace enforcement action and a renewed effort on "comprehensive immigration reform" (see Roy Beck's related blog). They are claiming the election showed Americans want an amnesty for illegal aliens and the businesses that hire them instead of citizens and legal residents.

Bush Adds Yet Another Insult To American Workers (no wonder he's so unpopular)

Updated: December 5th, 2008, 9:35 am


  by  Roy Beck

At a time of galloping unemployment, Pres. Bush had the gall to tell ABC News that one of his biggest disappointments in the White House was his inability to get Americans to quit being so small-minded about keeping U.S. jobs for themselves instead of sharing them with illegal aliens. Will the next Administration be this elitist and this heartless? The jury is out.

Napolitano Offers Obama Pragmatic Take on Immigration


Roy Beck, president of Numbers USA, a policy group that seeks to reduce immigration, criticized Napolitano, saying she supports “amnesty” for illegal immigrants, though he still praised her efforts in taking steps to “secure the border.” In what may be a signal that Napolitano could face tough questioning from Republicans, many Numbers USA members harshly criticized Beck’s recent statement in his blog, that “Obama could do a lot worse” in picking Napolitano.http://w
