Legal Immigration

New RNC Policy Promotes Amnesty Over Attrition Through Enforcement

Updated: August 20th, 2013, 2:05 pm


  by  Van Esser

At its Summer meeting last week, the Republican National Committee rejected the Attrition Through Enforcement policy established in its 2012 National Platform in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens. Since illegal aliens would be legalized but denied citizenship, the RNC’s spin suggests the new policy would cause no harm. But the work permits offered to illegal aliens cause the greatest damage. And since most voters do not support this shift in policy, the RNC has likely harmed itself.

400,000 Illegal Aliens Receive Deferred Action Through DACA Program in First Year


According to numerous news sources, approximately 400,000 illegal aliens have received deferred action preventing them from deportation proceedings through the Obama Administration DACA program. DACA - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - grants deferred action to any illegal alien 30 years of age or younger who can prove they came to the United States at a young age. The deferred action is good for two years and allows certain illegal aliens to receive work permits should they meet certain criteria.

57.5 Million Working-Age Americans Not Working in Second Quarter of 2013


New anaylsis from the Center for Immigration Studies has determined that 57.5 million native-born Americans between the ages of 16 and 65 were not working during the second quarter of 2013. That figure is up 17 million from the second quarter of 2000. Proponents of the Schumer-Obama amnesty bill (S.744), however, claim that there are not enough workers currently living in the United States.

Sen. Harry Reid: Conference with House would be a 'win' for Schumer-Obama Amnesty Bill

Rep. Harry Reid


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said last week that if the House and Senate went to conference over the Schumer-Obama amnesty bill, S.744, that the bill would ultimately pass. Two House Committee's have already approved several immigration-related pieces of legislation. Should the full House pass any one of the bills, the Senate could take up the bill, substitute it with S.744, and send it back to the House. In lieu of passing the bill, the House could opt to go to conference.

Reps. Poe and Labrador Working to Double Low-Skilled Worker Visas

Reps. Labrador and Poe


Reps. Raul Labrador (R-Id.) and Ted Poe (R-Texas) are working on legislation that could potentially double the number of low-skilled worker visas offered in the Schumer-Obama amnesty bill, S.744. The proposal could increase the number of guest worker visas from the 200,000 set forth by the Senate bill to 400,000.

Black American Leadership Alliance to Rep. Paul Ryan: Amnesty hurts Black Americans


In a letter sent to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), the Black American Leadership Alliance said that granting amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens would have a detrimental effect on Black Americans. The group told Rep. Ryan that the unemployment rate for Blacks in the United States is nearly double the national level and that amnesty would have a "disastrous effect" on all low-wage workers.

Rep. Paul Ryan: No Work Permits Until Enforcement is in Place

Rep. Paul Ryan


During an appearance on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, former vice presidential candidate and current Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) said that illegal aliens should not receive work permits until the border is secured and interior enforcement, including E-Verify, is in place. The Schumer-Obama amnesty bill grants instant work permits to the nation's 11 million illegal aliens before any increases in border security or mandatory E-Verify are in place.

Unemployment Report Underlines Concerns About Amnesty, Immigration Increases


The latest government statistics suggest that while the unemployment rate declined in July to 7.4 percent, the number of discouraged workers and those not in the labor force remains high. The report comes amid congressional discussions that could lead to amnesty for at least some illegal aliens in the country and legal immigration changes, both of which would dramatically increase the number of job seekers.

Republican Elites to Congressional Republicans: Pass Amnesty, Allow in "Needed" Foreign Workers


Over 100 Republican donors, fundraisers and former Party officials wrote Republican members of Congress on Tuesday to urge them to pass an amnesty and overhaul the nation's "broken" immigration system.  The letter is one element of a campaign to lobby Republican legislators as they return to their districts for August recess.

Employment Agency Cites Job Shortage in Tech Industry


Bright, a company that collects resumes and attempts to match job seekers to open jobs, has found a large number of tech workers are looking for work in STEM fields despite claims that there is a shortage of high-skilled workers. According to its own analysis, Bright says they found evidence of labor shortages in a few specific engineering fields, but for the most part, there is a large available pool of high-skilled candidates for tech employers to choose from.

House Reps. Express Support for DREAM Amnesty during Immigration Hearing


Reps. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), Jeff Denham (R-Calif.), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), and Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) all testified in support of a DREAM-like amnesty before the House Immigration Subcommittee on Tuesday. The hearing was called by Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) with the purpose of educating subcommittee members before legislation that would grant amnesty to illegal-alien children is introduced by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.).

Rep. Barrow: Enforcement before Considering Legalization

Rep. John Barrow


In an interview with, Rep. John Barrow (D-Ga.) made it clear that the federal government should enforce existing immigration laws, secure the border, and mandate E-Verify before even considering an amnesty for the nation's 11 million illegal aliens. Earlier this year, Rep. Barrow introduced the Keeping the Promise of IRCA Act, H.R. 2124, that would fulfill the enforcement provisions in the 1986 amnesty that were never completed. The bill would provide needed resources at the border, allow ICE agents to enforce existing immigration laws, and mandate the use of E-Verify.

House Immigration Committee to Hold Hearing on Illegal Aliens brought to the U.S. as Children


The House Immigration Subcommittee has announced that it will hold a hearing next Tuesday, July 23, regarding the fate of illegal aliens who were brought to the United States as children. The hearing was announced as Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said that he supported an amnesty for this class of illegal aliens during a press conference with Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Thousands March in Washington to Protest Amnesty and Increases in Legal Immigration


The Black American Leadership Alliance hosted a march through Washington D.C. on Monday, protesting the Senate-passed amnesty bill, S.744. provided live webcasting of the event and estimated around 3,000 people attended. They heard nearly four hours of speeches by Black Alliance leaders and others, including Senators Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz and Representatives Steve King and Mo Brooks.

The march and rally focused on how amnesty and high immigration levels hurts low-skilled American workers and their wages.

GOP Leadership Sticks with Piecemeal Approach after Conference Meeting


In a statement issued after a two-hour House Republican conference meeting, GOP Leadership and the chairmen of key committees reaffirmed their position today that it will take a piecemeal approach in reforming the nation's immigration system. They also said the House will not vote on the Senate-passed amnesty bill.

Pro-amnesty elites to urge "The People's House" to betray American workers

Updated: July 12th, 2013, 12:50 pm


  by  Jeremy Beck

All eyes are on the House Republicans and Speaker Boehner. President Obama has pledged to take a more active role in the House debate. With 20 million Americans unemployed and underemployed, Obama is teaming up with corporate special interests to lobby House Republicans to pass an amnesty and a large-scale expansion of temporary and permanent immigration for foreign workers.

Government Data: Only 47% of Working-Age Americans have a full-time job


While Friday's jobs report was encouraging, 190,000 jobs added in the month of July, the data also showed some discouraging news - only 47% of Americans hold a full-time job. Of the 144 million Americans that hold a job, only 116 million are working full-time and only 58.7% of American adults hold a job.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman says 'path to citizenship' unlikely to pass in the House

Rep. Bob Goodlatte


House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) was on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday and said that he doesn't think a bill that provides a special path to citizenship for the nation's 11 million illegal aliens is likely to pass in the House. Rep. Goodlatte did indicate that he thinks a bill that offers legalization to some illegal aliens could pass, however. 

Senate passes S.744 amnesty, but grassroots opposition is on the way to blocking it in House

Updated: October 2nd, 2017, 3:09 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Now, we must turn our full efforts to the U.S. House and another huge grassroots effort in July.There is no question that the five-month opposition that the grassroots has waged is having good results in the House, where the Senate bill is facing an increasingly hostile reception.   At some point, politicians will no longer be able to look the public in the eye and be allowed by the media to claim that we must have tens of millions more foreign workers to deal with supposed labor shortages.

ICE Union President Tells Sen. Rubio his Bill is 'De Facto Amnesty'


On Wednesday, the president of the union that represents 7,000 immigration and customs enforcement officers, Chris Crane, sent a letter to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) telling him his blill was "De Facto Amnesty." Sen. Rubio has said that the current situation is "De Facto Amnesty" for the 11 million illegal aliens living in the United States, but Crane writes that since the bill contains almost no interior enforcement provisions, it won't change the current situation.

13 Broken Promises by Rubio about open process on his amnesty bill

Sen. Marco Rubio


The Senate only had 10 roll call votes on amendments (three were to table amendments) after voting to bring the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill, S.744 to the floor for debate and before voting for final passage. This is quite contrary to the open process promised by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

Gang of Eight Amnesty Bill Encourages Companies to Hire Illegal Aliens over American Workers

Updated: October 2nd, 2017, 3:09 pm


  by  Chris Chmielenski

Republican supporters of the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill, S.744, have fought tirelessly to convince their GOP counterparts that the 11 million illegal aliens who receive amnesty under the bill won't be eligible for ObamaCare until they receive green cards 10 years down the road. But as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) pointed out yesterday, however, that's not the main "ObamaCare" concern with the bill. Instead, S.744 inadvertantly penalizes companies that hire American workers over amnestied illegal aliens beacuse of the "ObamaCare" tax.

13 Senators come out against floor management of S.744


In a letter addressed to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the Gang of Eight, and Senators Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and John Hoeven (R-N.D.), 13 Senators protested the management of the Schumer-Rubio Amnesty bill, S.744. Earlier today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid filed a motion for cloture on the bill, meaning no more amendments will be voted on unless they're approved by Sen. Reid.

Senate Votes Today on Corker-Hoeven Amnesty; Amendment fails to live up to supporters' claims

Updated: June 24th, 2013, 1:04 pm


  by  Chris Chmielenski

The "process" used to rush the Corker-Hoeven amendment to the Senate floor exemplifies everything that is wrong with Congress and why the American people have lost faith in their leaders. Even Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Bob Woodward criticized this latest process, telling Fox New Sunday: "You can't have a Congress that is kind of going around picking this and picking that and that fails and that fails and this fails... when you pass complicated legislation and no one has really read the bill... the outcome is absurd."

Corker amendment: Like larger bill, Senators make promises their legislation won't keep

Updated: June 25th, 2013, 2:33 pm


  by  Jeremy Beck

If you haven't read the Corker-Hoeven amendment to the Senate immigration bill, you aren't alone. Congress hasn't read it either. The Gang of Eight and the cosponsors of Corker-Hoeven spent the last couple of days boasting about the amendment, and making promises about what it would do, then Majority Leader Reid sent the Senate home with a 1,000-plus-page reading assignment for the weekend. The text of the amendment wasn't released until Friday afternoon. The Senate votes on Monday. Additional handwritten changes to the amendment have yet to be distributed to every Senator.

Poll finds little support for GOP who favor S. 744 bill to increase immigrant workers and give work permits to illegal aliens

Updated: June 21st, 2013, 12:31 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Republican senators considering voting for the S. 744 immigration bill will find little support among the voters on whom they most depend for both Primary and General elections, according to a Pulse Opinion Research survey of 1,000 likely voters on June 17.

Non-Partisan CBO Confirms Worst Fears of Schumer-Rubio-Obama Amnesty

Updated: October 2nd, 2017, 3:09 pm


  by  Chris Chmielenski

Higher unemployment. Lower wages. Higher interest rates. Continued illegal immigration. That's what the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office analysis concludes regarding the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill, S.744. In two separate analyses released on Tuesday, the CBO found that S.744 might have some long-term benefits on the U.S. economy, but in the interim, it will be a disaster for working Americans.

CBO: Gang of Eight Bill Will Fail to Stop Illegal Immigration


The Center for Immigration Studies finds that the new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis of the legislation confirms that the bill will almost completely fail in this regard. According to CBO, if S.744 passes, "the net annual flow of unauthorized residents would decrease by 25 percent." Because S.744 fails to stem a larger portion of illegal immigration, CBO projects that nearly 5 million new illegal immigrants and their children will be living in the United States 10 years after the bill passes.

CBO: S.744 Increases Unemployment, Decreases Wages, and Fails to Prevent Future Illegal Immigration


The Congressional Budget Office has released its analysis of the Schumer-Rubio-Obama amnesty bill, confirming the opponent's predictions that it would be devastating for American workers and would not end illegal immigration. Since the bill purposely delays green cards for some illegal aliens by 10 years, and the CBO only scores the fiscal impacts for the bill's first 10 years, the report says that the bill will not have a major impact on the national debt over the first decade.

Senate Votes Against Enforcement Before Amnesty

Sens. Thune & Vitter


In two separate votes today, the Senate voted to prioritize an amnesty for the nation's 11 million illegal aliens over enforcement of existing laws. Amendments offered by Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) were defeated mostly along a party-line vote. Both amendments would have required the federal government to enforce laws already on the books before granting amnesty.

Sign our New Petition Urging Sen. Rubio to Pull Down his False Ad

Updated: June 19th, 2013, 8:41 am


  by  Chris Chmielenski

Sen. Marco Rubio has a new ad that's running on national television touting his amnesty bill, S.744. The problem is - the ad contradicts many of his own admissions about the bill. We've posted a new petition urging Sen. Rubio to pull down this false ad.

Sen. Grassley Offers Border Security Amendment to Schumer-Rubio-Obama Amnesty Bill; Senate Votes to Table the Amendment

Sen. Chuck Grassley


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) offered the first amendment for consideration during full Senate debate of the Schumer-Rubio-Obama Amnesty bill, S.744. His amendment would require certification that the border is fully secured before any of the 11 million illegal aliens would be eligible to receive legal status and work permits. Instead of holding an up or down vote on the amendment, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid motioned this morning to table the amendment. The motion passed by a 57-to-43 margin split mostly along party lines.

ICE Union President Tells Sens. Cornyn and Rubio that S.744 Weakens Interior Enforcement


In a letter to Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas), ICE Union President Chris Crane says the Gang of Eight's bill, S.744, is flawed because it places "new restrictions on interior enforcement." Crane writes that the bill would make the current situation worse and more hazardous and urges them to reject S.744 and instead focus on Rep. Trey Gowdy's (R-S.C.) interior enforcement bill and Rep. John Barrow's (D-Ga.) border security and interior enforcement legislation introduced in the House.

Rep. Steve King Threatens to Block Amnesty Bill in House

Rep. Steve King


Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said that he plans to force a GOP conference should House Leadership decide to move forward on an unpopular amnesty bill in the House of Representatives. Under caucus rules, any Member can can force a closed-door session if he can gather 50 signatures. The session would force a caucus vote on the bill in question, and Leadership is supposed to follow the will of the caucus.

When Senate staffers arrive in offices Mon. morn, make sure they encounter huge piles of faxes opposing the Tues. amnesty vote

Updated: June 9th, 2013, 11:00 pm


  by  Roy Beck

This week is the real thing. Many of you have been with us while we turned back every amnesty attempt from 2001 through last year. Most of the time, a bill never got to the floor.

Rep. Walter Jones Stands with NC Sheriffs in Opposition to Schumer-Rubio-Obama Amnesty Bill

Rep. Jones


After several more North Carolina sheriffs signed on to a letter to Congress from the law enforcement agencies across the nation, Rep. Walter Jones issued a statement on Wednesday saying he stood by the sheriffs in their opposition to the Schumer-Rubio-Obama amnesty bill. Rep. Jones said he, too, is concerned about the bill's lack of interior enforcement.

White House: Obama Pushing Immigration Legislation


White House spokesman Jay Carney said Pres. Barack Obama is actively trying to persuade lawmakers to pass the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill. Not only is the President lobbying lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, but his political activism group, Organizing for America, is mobilizing its activists to help get the bill passed.

Senators Sessions, Cruz, Lee, and Grassley Sign Letter in Opposition to S.744


On Tuesday, four Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Jeff Sessions, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Chuck Grassley, sent a letter to their Senate colleagues urging them to oppose S.744, the Gang of Eight's amnesty bill. They say that the Gang of Eight's bill repeats the mistakes of the 1986 amnesty and instead the country needs legislation that will secure the borders, enforce the laws on the books, and improve the legal immigration system.

Black Leaders Warn Congress About Gang of Eight Bill's Impact on Black Americans


A group of Black Leaders sent a letter to Congress on Monday warning them about the negative impacts the Gang of Eight's immigration bill will have on Black Americans. The group sent their letter to Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Senators from states with the highest levels of Black unemployment.

Some media still struggle to explain legalization-first foundation of Senate bill

Updated: May 31st, 2013, 2:01 pm


  by  Jeremy Beck

In at least one critical aspect, the Gang of Eight's immigration bill passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee the same way it went in: there is no enforcement required before before 11 million illegal aliens start to receive their legal status and work permits. The question of whether to put amnesty before enforcement or enforcement before amnesty is central to the debate. Yet some reporters still struggle to explain this fundamental aspect of the bill.

Ad: Immigration 'reform' adds 33 million competitors to jobless Americans


Length:  31 sec

The Senate Gang of Eight immigration bill would offer a minimum of 33 million lifetime work permits in the first decade alone (11 million to current illegal immigrants, 11 million to new legal immigrants in a continuation of the current system, another 5 million chain migration relatives of immigrants who have applied but are waiting for their slot in other countries and 6 million new immigrants through new categories and expanded existing categories of immigration).  The 33 million in a single decade is almost half of all immigrants who have ever entered the U.S. in its history.

Washington Post/ABC poll: Only 18 percent support Gang of Eight approach to illegal immigration

Updated: May 23rd, 2013, 5:22 pm


  by  Jeremy Beck

The Washington Post is confounded by its own poll. Only 18 percent of Americans support the Gang of Eight's legalization-first approach to illegal immigration, according to a Washington Post / ABC News poll. Yet the Post began its story on the poll with, "Comprehensive immigration reform moves to the Senate floor next week with solid overall support from the public."

Poll: Americans Favor Enforcement Before Amnesty


A new Fox Poll surveying 1,000 registered voters over the last several days has found that 73% of Americans favor securing the border before making changes to immigration policy. This percentage is up from polls in April and February showing 68% and 69%, respectively, support for enforcement before amnesty. The Gang of Eight's bill, S.744, puts the amnesty before the enforcement provisions kick in.
