Illegal Immigration

59 Illegal Aliens Arrested at N.C. Military Parachute Company


In what is billed as the largest bust in western North Carolina, ICE took into custody 59 illegal aliens who making parachutes for the U.S. armed forces at the Mills Manufacturing Corp. in Woodfin, North Carolina. A related ICE press release suggests the enforcement action neutralized a potential national security vulnerability.

Local, Federal Cooperation Yields 31 Illegal-Alien Arrests in Two Days in Arizona


Yavapai County, Arizona deputies arrested 31 illegal aliens within two days in an area highly trafficked by human smugglers on Interstate 17, a Phoenix ABC affiliate reports. In one encounter, deputies pulled over a van that appeared to be overloaded. It was carrying 15 passengers who ICE confirmed as being illegally present after conducting phone interviews.Similar traffic stops yielded the arrests of six illegal aliens in one vehicle, and ten in another, after ICE verified the occupants were in the county illegally.

Postville Blame Game

Updated: July 5th, 2017, 2:02 pm


  by  Caroline Espinosa

Last May, ICE agents descended on the quiet town of Postville, Iowa, swooping up 390 people at the Agriprocessors, Inc. slaughterhouse in the largest immigration raid in U.S. history. Months later, we find ourselves in the middle of a blame game in which the big picture has been obscured. The employers blame the illegal aliens for deceit and falsifying documents. The illegal aliens blame “necessity,” possibly interpreted as blaming their home governments for neglecting their countrymen. Agriprocessors, Inc. is receiving blame for egregious working conditions and abuse. Open border advocates blame the government for not enacting “comprehensive” reform. And now, three members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus blame the ICE for hard-handed tactics and the Justice Department for ignoring due process.

ICE Head Discusses “Domestic Off-Shoring”


In an ICE blog posted on July 29, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Assistant Secretary Julie Myers discussed a recent enforcement case that is emblematic of the activities that unscrupulous businesses engage in to gain unfair advantage - domestic off-shoring. This practice involves building a business around the importation and employment of illegal aliens in an effort to avoid paying higher wages to, and taxes for, American workers.

Why More Illegal Aliens Self-Deport


"The illegal migrant population has dropped an estimated 11 percent through May after hitting a peak last August, based on census data used in a report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). Much of that decline is due to people who self-deported by slipping back across the border.

The drop began well before unemployment went up, which points to the real success story: Washington's wake-up call last summer to beef up enforcement, from plugging leaks in the border to cracking down on employers who hire illegal workers."

New Pilot Program Gives Fugitive Aliens a Chance to Self-Deport


ICE yesterday announced the introduction of a self-deportation pilot program for fugitive aliens called "Operation Scheduled Departure." Fugitive aliens are illegal aliens who are under court order to leave the United States but took flight after being released on their own recognizance. The Washington Post reports the program will give these absconders 90 days to put their affairs in order and in some cases leave with some family members. By turning themselves in, they will avoid the risk of being caught and jailed.

Va. Jails Now Check Immigration Status of Foreign Inmates


A Virginia law took effect this month which requires local jails to contact ICE to check the immigration status of all foreign-born inmates, irrespective of whether they are in the country legally. While the law hasn’t received as much attention as the 287(g)-related illegal alien crackdown in Prince William County, Va., it will benefit other jurisdictions seeking to identify and deport illegal alien inmates. The law may not have the force multiplier effect that results from Prince William’s policy, however.

Pacific Northwest Deportations up 40 Percent


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials last week said illegal alien deportations from Washington, Oregon and Alaska have increased almost 40 percent over last year, according to the Associated Press. 7,345 illegal aliens were deported during the first nine months of the fiscal year, up from 5,256 for the same period last year. ICE officials said the increase is partially due to an expansion of the Criminal Alien Program, which enables federal, state and local officials to work together to identify illegal aliens with criminal records and deport them.

19 Pilgrim's Pride workers plead guilty to Social Security fraud


Nineteen former Pilgrim's Pride workers have pleaded guilty to misusing Social Security numbers in order to gain employment at a Texas plant. These convictions stem from the April ICE raids of Pilgrim's Pride facilities in five states. These individuals, all illegal aliens of Latin American origin, have been handed over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for possible deportation. The April ICE raids were the culmination of a year-long investigation by ICE into the fraudulent use of Social Security numbers.

A Hispanic Population in Decline; Illegal Immigrant Policy Alters Pr. William on Many Levels


"At least there is one thing both sides agree on: Hispanic immigrants are leaving Prince William. Whether their departure has improved the county's quality of life or pushed its strained economy further downward is the new topic of contention driven largely by views of whether the presence of immigrants was a good thing in the first place.

45 Illegal Workers Arrested in Metro-D.C. Raid


Forty-five illegal workers were arrested by federal agents in the largest immigration bust that Maryland has seen in recent years. 16 homes in Anne Arundel County were raided early on June 30th. Illegal workers for Annapolis Painting Services were allegedly coerced into renting the apartments in exchange for one-third of their monthly wages. The owner of the company, Robert Bontempo, has not yet been charged with any crime, but the company has been accused of providing workers with false Social Security numbers.

Immigration bill crumbles in Senate vote


"Opponents claimed a populist victory over what Roy Beck of NumbersUSA called 'the cheap-labor lobby.' Beck said his organization, which focuses on immigration-related issues, generated more than two million faxes against the immigration bill since May. Hours before the Senate vote, the Capitol switchboard was swamped with phone calls."

By Kathy Kiely, in USA Today

Immigrant housing trial starts


"As William Jerry Hadden's attorneys see it, the federal government is singling out their client to send a message to landlords: Don't rent to illegal immigrants.

Hadden, 69, goes on trial Monday on 24 counts of harboring illegal aliens and 24 counts of encouraging illegal immigrants to remain in the country. Hadden and his son, Jamey, who is in Vietnam, rented to 60 undocumented immigrants at the Woodridge and Cross Keys apartments in Lexington's Cardinal Valley...."

A McCain flip-flop on immigration?


"In the aftermath of McCain's closed-door visit with more than 100 Hispanic leaders on Wednesday--sandwiched into a fundraising visit by the Republican contender--a conservative anti-illegal immigration activist who attended the meeting contended McCain was offering conservatives one view of immigration reform while telling Latinos another.

Illegal Alien Jail Rates Up Significantly Along the Border

U.S. Border Patrol agent


The Los Angeles Times reports today that the Department of Homeland Security is making a significantly higher number of arrests along the U.S.-Mexico border under a joint DHS-Justice Department program called "Operation Streamline," which jails the suspect. The Times cites statistics released by Syracuse University that indicate immigration prosecutions hit an all-time high (9,350) in March 2008. That number is up 73% from last year.

Rasmussen Poll Shows Americans Angry at Government's Refusal to Fix Illegal Immigration Problem


A June 13 Rasmussen poll shows that Americans are still mad at Congress's failure to reform America's immigration system. The poll shows that 1/3 of all Americans are mad about illegal immigration, but Americans blame Washington and not the illegal aliens. Eighty-three percent of those angry about immigration blame the federal government. Thirty-two percent of those polled expressed "anger" with the situation, while an additional twenty-seven percent expressed frustration with the government's inaction.

Rep. Menendez (D-N.J.) -- Stop the Raids


'I told Myers and Chertoff about the problems, and they said they have everything (under control), that everything was OK,' Menendez said. 'They're obviously in total denial.' …

'We have the equivalent of a shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later policy,' he said. 'That can't possibly be the law.'

By Elizabeth Llorente -- The Herald News (Passaic County, NJ)

Immigration raid spurs calls for action vs. owners


"After the biggest immigration raid in U.S. history, hundreds of workers have been sentenced but not one company official as yet faces any charges - something critics say is typical of a federal government that is tough on employees but easy on owners. Worker advocates and lawmakers say the fact that nearly 400 workers were arrested in the May 12 raid at the Agriprocessors Inc.

Immigration Prosecutions Hit New High


"Officials say the threat of prison and a criminal record is a powerful deterrent, one that is helping drive down illegal immigration along the nearly 2,000-mile frontier between the United States and Mexico. Skeptics say that the government lacks the resources to sustain the strategy on the border and that the effort is diverting resources from more serious crimes such as drug and human smuggling...."

State GOP: No automatic citizenship for kids born in U.S. to illegal immigrants


"The state Republican Party adopted a platform Saturday that includes a provision aimed at opposing automatic citizenship for babies born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants...."

Andrew Garber, Seattle Times, 1 June 2008

Democrats promise to toughen laws on employers


"Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal of Council Bluffs said he plans to resume work in January on legislation aimed at preventing employers from hiring immigrant workers as independent contractors when they should be considered actual employees. He said he also supports sanctions on employers that knowingly hire undocumented workers. "We think the real cause of this problem isn't people who are trying to seek a better life for themselves and their family.

Idahoans concerned about Mexican consulate


"In March, Congressman Bill Sali (R-Idaho) sent a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urging her to hold off on approving the consulate until the government can assure Idahoans that a consulate will not foster the continued presence of illegal immigrants in the state. Sali, who earlier this month was recognized by the American Conservative Union as one of the "best and brightest" in the U.S.

In L.A., coping with the threat of deportation


"Work-site arrests of illegal immigrants have increased tenfold nationwide to nearly 5,000 last year, according to the federal government. Images of the raids have been splashed on television news reports and on the front pages of Spanish-language newspapers around the country....",0,7438900.story

Paloma Esquivel, Los Angeles Times, 27 May 2008

The SAVE Act and Mr. Boehner


"Mr. Bilbray and Mr. Shuler have launched a campaign to circumvent the obstructionists by getting 218 signatures on a discharge petition that would permit the legislation to come to the House floor for a vote - regardless of what the speaker wants. The congressmen need 218 signatures on their petition; right now, they have 188. Only 10 of those 188 signers are Democrats, and they run the risk of retaliation from the Democratic Party leadership...."

Hundreds Arrested in Largest U.S. Immigration Raid


At least 100 immigration agents raided the Agriprocessing plant in Postville, Iowa, at around 10 am (cst) on Monday, May 12. Immigration officials told local authorities that 600-700 arrests were expected at the plant -- a facility that employees around 1,000 individuals.

The ICE raid was executed to look for evidence of suspected identity theft and fraudulent use of Social Security numbers, among other crimes. Immigration agents were also granted permission to investigate individuals suspected of being in the United States illegally.

Hundreds Arrested in Iowa Immigration Raid



At least 100 immigration agents raided the Agriprocessing plant in Postville, Iowa, at around 10 am (cst) on Monday, May 12. Immigration officials told local authorities that 600-700 arrests were expected at the plant -- a facility that employees around 1,000 individuals.

The ICE raid was executed to look for evidence of suspected identity theft and fraudlent use of Social Security numbers, among other crimes. Immigration agents were also granted permission to investigate individuals suspected of being in the United States illegally.

Crowds Are Smaller at Protests by Immigrants


"'The marchers say suspend the rule of law and reward illegality,' said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, which says its membership has swelled to more than 600,000 from 112,000 three years ago. 'Our callers say what your constituents really want is enforcement...'"

By Randal C. Archibald, in the New York Times

Pro-amnesty marches indicate crumbling of inevitability

Updated: July 19th, 2008, 5:27 pm


  by  Roy Beck
I just returned from an interview at CNN for their report on today's marches across the nation in favor of an amnesty. Reporters told me the turnout is very small -- with only a couple of dozen showing up for the Washington D.C. rally. The marches help put America's choices this year in stark relief: Either legalize the illegal aliens so they can STAY (what the marchers want) or pass the SAVE Act to take away nearly all legitimate jobs so the illegal aliens will LEAVE (what most Americans want).

Rally for immigrant rights: Attendance lower, but marchers push for reform


A supporter of stricter enforcement, Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA in Washington, D.C., said she believes the marches have backfired and bolstered those who favor more enforcement among the country's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants

By Georgia Pabst, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

American Legion Launches National Education Effort on Illegal Immigration

American Legion Seal


The American Legion has launched a nationwide education initiative to alert the nation to the dangers posed by unhampered illegal immigration and the government's unwillingness to address the issue.

The Legion is launching a coast-to-coast media campaign to explain the dangers of of illegal immigration. It will also offer a booklet, free to the public, which outlines the dangers and offers logical policy initiatives.

Some blacks say Latino immigrants taking their jobs


"'This issue is not new; this preference for immigrant workers over native African-American workers is historical,' said Frank Morris, a former associate dean at the University of Maryland, College Park. Morris was also president of the Tacoma branch of the NAACP during the 1960s..."

The Seattle Times; June 12, 2006

Are Black Americans being blackmailed to support illegal aliens' false civil rights claims?


"The civil rights which each black family earned generation by generation, struggling as citizens under threat of lynching, under threat of fire bombings, under threat of murder... but as citizens is being compared to illegal aliens who want "civil rights" that are not only not earned but they aren't warranted without citizenship..."; May 22, 2006

Black Activists Say Immigration Shortcuts are Not a Civil Right Issue


"'The amnesty issue is being distorted. This is not about the rights of people here legally or of equal rights - it is about people who are here illegally wanting everyone to ignore the fact that they broke the law to get into this country,' said Project 21 member Geoffrey Moore. 'The civil rights movement was about some American citizens being treated worse than others. The rallies happening now are about lawbreaking non-citizens wanting to be given the same rights and benefits of those who came to America through the proper immigration channels..."

Where have the illegal immigrants gone?


"'The state of Oklahoma ought not be in the business of subsidizing the presence of people who are here illegally,' said Republican state Rep. Randy Terrill, sponsor of the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act of 2007, also known as House Bill 1804. 'HB 1804 proves that attrition through enforcement works,' Terrill added...",0,4213105.story

Chicago Tribune; February 10, 2008

For varying reasons, many leaving U.S.


"So far in 2007, 5,000 Brazilians have returned home because of the climate of fear that immigration officials have instilled within the communities," said Fausto da Rocha, executive director for the Brazilian Immigrant Center.

Nashua Telegraph (N.H.); September 10, 2007
