President Bush

Pro-Amnesty Karl Rove Endorses Anti-Amnesty Attack Ad

President and Mrs. Bush with Karl Rove


Karl Rove, a top political aide to former President George W. Bush, has long been an amnesty advocate and steered Republican leaders away from the pro-immigration enforcement, pro-American worker elements of the Party. So, as the Daily Signal reports, it is interesting to note Rove’s political action committee, American Crossroads, is running an ad in Iowa that attacks Democrat Rep. Bruce Barley for supporting “immigration amnesty.”

Bush urges 'benevolent' debate on immigration


Former President George W. Bush, who failed in his quest for amnesty during his presidency – urged Congress to debate immigration reform with “a benevolent spirit” and to “keep in mind the contributions of immigrants.” The address was one of Bush’s first attempts to engage in the national political debate since leaving office.