
Immigration Reform and Hard Times


The Obama administration said last week that it would begin a major push for immigration reform this year. The country’s two big labor federations just announced that they are joining forces to support that effort, which includes a path to citizenship for undocumented workers. That’s double good news.

New York Times Editorial

Standing Up To The Irrational: Can Obama Do It On Immigration? (strange Munoz utterings)

Updated: April 21st, 2009, 11:47 am


  by  Roy Beck

“It just doesn’t seem rational," is how I was quoted in today's New York Times front page story about Pres. Obama supposedly being committed to moving a mass amnesty forward this year. So, for about the next 12 hours, I answered phone calls from print reporters and did radio shows across the country. I told them that Cecilia Munoz is suggesting that her boss, Pres. Obama, thinks it is a good idea to tell 7 million unemployed, less-educated Americans that the jobs they want should continue to be occupied (permanently) by 6 million less-educated illegal foreign workers!