62% of Americans feel Illegal Immigration a Very Serious Problem


CBS News Poll. July 29-Aug. 4, 2014.

How serious a problem do you think the issue of ILLEGAL immigration is for the country right now: very serious, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all serious?

Very Serious: 62%

Somewhat Serious: 22%

Not Too Serious: 10%

Not At All Serious: 4%

Unsure/No Answer: 1%

Which should be the higher priority now: securing the nation's border, or addressing the status of illegal immigrants currently in the U.S.

Securing the Border: 59%

Status of Illegal Immigrants: 31%

Both: 5%

Neither: 1%

Unsure/No Answer: 4%

What do you think should happen to the unaccompanied children from Central America who have been illegally crossing the border into the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. while awaiting an immigration hearing, even if it takes a long time, or they should be returned to their own country as soon as possible.

Allowed to stay: 43%

Returned to own country: 50%

Unsure/No Answer: 7%

Under current U.S. policy, children from Central America who enter the U.S. illegally go through a legal process and hearing to determine whether or not they can stay in the U.S. Would you favor or oppose new legislation making it easier and faster to send children back to their home countries?

Favor: 65%

Oppose: 28%

Unsure/No answer: 7%

How effective do you think stricter enforcement at the U.S. border would be in reducing the number of unaccompanied children entering the U.S. illegally: very effective, somewhat effective, not very effective, or not at all effective?

Very effective: 37%

Somewhat effective: 39%

Not very effective: 12%

Not at all effective: 8%

Unsure/No answer: 4%

Full poll

2014 border surge