Roy Beck Issues Statement on American Health Care Act


The GOP health care proposal, the American Health Care Act, would leave in place the same failed verification system used by Obamacare to prevent illegal aliens from accessing taxpayer benefits. NumbersUSA Founder and President Roy Beck issued the following statement.

NumbersUSA is opposed to forcing American taxpayers to subsidize public benefits, including health insurance, for illegal aliens. Furthermore, such benefits act as magnets for future illegal foreign labor migration that disadvantages American workers. These are key reasons why we opposed the verification provisions in the Affordable Care Act. Even though that law nominally makes illegal aliens ineligible for health insurance subsidies, the verification system fails to identify and exclude illegal applicants. We are disappointed that the authors of the American Health Care Act are relying on the same failed verification system to exclude illegal aliens from getting tax credits under the new plan. We look forward to working with Congress to ensure that taxpayers no longer have to foot the bill for illegal aliens seeking access to our health care system.

For more details on the American Health Care Act, click here.

Rewards for Illegal Aliens