Republican Leaders Seek Another Trade Promotion Authority Vote


After failing last week to pass a package of legislation that tethered fast-track trade authority with aid to workers displaced by trade deals, the House plans to try again, possibly on Thursday, to move the legislation separately with assurances that both will become law. Roll Call reports the House Rules Committee is meeting today to adopt a rule that would govern floor debate on the measures.

Last Friday, the House passed Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation but the measure was blocked from advancement to a Senate-House conference committee because Members overwhelmingly defeated a Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) bill that contained the worker aid. Many House Democrats voted against TAA, even though they support aid to American workers displaced by trade deals, in a gambit to defeat TPA.

House Republican leaders now want to move the legislation separately with assurances the bills will proceed on a near-simultaneous track. To expedite consideration, they will use a vehicle bill that originated in the House, was subject to Senate amendment, and is currently awaiting action on concurrence.

Roll Call reports some Democrats support the plan, but the strategy is risky because many Republicans oppose TAA and fear giving the president fast-track authority on trade deals that could eventually lead to guest workers increases and a loss of sovereignty. And it is not clear that the majority of Democrats who last week opposed fast-track have now changed their minds.

Read more in Roll Call.

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