New Poll Shows That The Majority Of U.S. Employers Oppose More H-1B Visas


A recent poll by CareerBuilder/Harris Poll of 2,321 hiring and human resource managers show that 73 percent of employers disapprove of issuing more H-1B visas for foreign workers. 30 percent say the increase would foster lower wages if foreign-born works are willing to accept less money on the job.

Only 27 percent of employers said the overall cap for H1-B visas should be increased to allow more visas. 54 percent of these employers cite a shortage of skilled workers in the U.S. as a reason to increase this visa program. Yet, 55 percent of employers who oppose increasing H-1B visa enrollment say the focus should be on re-skilling American-born workers.

This debate follows after a recent news story about how Disney planned on laying off technology workers to replace them with cheaper, H-1B workers. In order to receive their severance pay the laid off American workers would be in charge of training their replacements. You can read more on the Disney story here.

Read more about this recent poll at The Washington Times.

Unnecessary Worker Visas
H-1B visas
Legal Immigration