MAP: Nearly 200 Mayors Urge Congress to Include Dream Amnesty in Spending Bill


Nearly 200 mayors who are part of the United States Conference on Mayors have resent a letter to Congress urging them to include an amnesty for Dreamers into the must-pass, year-end spending bill. Congress must pass legislation by Dec. 22 to prevent a government shutdown.

This is the second time the mayors have sent the letter to Congress. They first sent it back in October, shortly after the Trump Administration stopped approving applications for Pres. Obama's unconstitutional DACA executive amnesty. The letter goes beyond asking for an amnesty for the 700,000 DACA recipients, however, and urges Congress to pass an amnesty for all Dreamers. The Migration Policy Institute estimates that an amnesty for all Dreamers would go to roughly 3 million illegal aliens.

We write on behalf of the nation’s mayors to urge you to quickly pass bipartisan legislation that would enable Dreamers – people who have lived in America since they were children and built their lives here – to earn lawful permanent residence and eventually American citizenship if they meet certain criteria. We pledge to work with you in this effort and to do whatever we can to assist you in seeing it enacted into law.

This June at the 85th Annual Meeting of The United States Conference of Mayors, we adopted strong policy supporting permanent legal status for Dreamers and extension of the DACA program. We did this because it is the right thing to do – for Dreamers, for our communities and for our country.

You can read the full letter here:

To see if your mayor signed the letter, use the following map:
