McConnell to Open Senate Floor for DACA Debate


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced yesterday that he'll open up the Senate floor next week for a debate over DACA. The move keeps the promise he made to Democratic Leaders last month as part of a deal to end the government shutdown. Sen. McConnell pledged to hold an open floor debate if no DACA deal had been reached by Feb. 8 and Democrats agreed to keep the government funded beyond the Feb. 8 deadline.

Sen. McConnell said:

"[It] will be a process that is fair to all sides. The bill I move to, which will not have underlying immigration text, will have an amendment process that will ensure a level playing field at the outset...

"While I obviously cannot guarantee any outcome, let alone supermajority support, I can ensure the process is fair to all sides, and that is what I intend to do."

The Senate has scheduled a 5:30 p.m. vote on Monday on H.R. 2579, which will become the "shell" bill for the Senate debate.