Illegal Aliens Demand Driver's Licenses in Lawsuit

Georgia Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens


This week, a group of illegal aliens filed a federal law suit against Georgia's Department of Driver Services for what they claim to be a violation of their constitutional rights by denying them driver's licenses.

The plaintiffs, who are not named on the court papers because of "safety concerns", have been authorized for deportation but are petitioning to have their removals suspended or because, in some cases, their home countries will not accept them back. In the interim, the federal government has issued them work permits and Social Security numbers.

This summer, Georgia started refusing to issue illegal aliens driver licenses because they are "not legally in the United States". The law-suit states that this act is violates their Equal Protection rights.

Currently, the Department of Driver Services has declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Read More at Valdosta Today.

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