80% of Americans Oppose Sanctuary Cities According to Harvard-Harris Poll


A new poll conducted by the Harvard Center for American Political Studies and The Harris Poll of more than 2,000 registered voters found overwhelming opposition to sanctuary jurisdictions. 80% of respondents said they think cities that arrest illegal aliens for crimes should be required to turn them over to immigration authorities.

Only 20% of registered voters say they oppose cities being required to turn criminal illegal aliens over to the feds.

The poll also asked registered voters if they support Pres. Trump's recent executive orders on immigration. When asked if they support the President's executive order that called for the building of a border wall and for hiring additional Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, 52% said they supported the order, while only 48% opposed. 88% of respondents said they were familiar with the executive order. When the different parts to the order were broken out, 75% say they support hiring additional ICE agents, but only 47% support building a border wall.

As for Pres. Trump's order that paused the refugee resettlement program and visas for visitors from seven countries identified as hot spots for terror, 53% of registered voters say they support the order, while 47% say they oppose it.

The refugee order also reduced the refugee cap for FY2017 from 110,000 to 50,000. 51% of registered voters say they supported reducing the cap. Only 15% say they want the cap raised even higher.

For more on the poll, see The Hill.

sanctuary cities
Interior Enforcement