Update: 68 Members of Congress Show Support for Anti-Amnesty Lawsuit


Twenty-seven Members of Congress, led by Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), signed an amicus brief in support of the lawsuit brought by two-dozen states challenging President Obama's executive amnesty. The brief states that the president’s executive action “changes the law and sets a new policy, exceeding [the president’s] constitutional authority and disrupting the delicate balance of powers.”

“President Obama is not only blatantly defying the Constitution by refusing to faithfully execute our nation’s immigration laws; his amnesty policy is harming millions of Texans and Americans,” Senator Cruz said in a statement. “By unilaterally granting amnesty to nearly five million people, the President is inviting even more illegal immigration, which hurts working men and women who have entered the country legally and further strains state governments."

Senator Cruz is joined in the amicus brief by Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), as well as Representatives Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Diane Black (R-Tenn.), Dave Brat (R-Va.), Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), John Fleming (R-La.), Randy Forbes (R-Va.), Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), H. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), David McKinley (R-W. Va.), Jeff Miller (R-Fla.), Alan Nunnelee (R-Miss.), Pete Olson (R-Texas), Ted Poe (R-Texas), Bill Posey (R-Fla.), Tom Price (R-Ga.), Phil Roe (R-Tenn.), Adrian Smith (R-Nev.), Lamar Smith (R-Texas), and Rob Wittman (R-Va.).

The lawsuit filed last month by the states argues that President Obama’s executive amnesty violates federal immigration law and usurps Congress’ constitutional authority to set immigration policy.

The amicus brief was filed on behalf of the Members of Congress by the American Center for Law and Justice.

UPDATE: The number of Members of Congress that have signed the list has grown to 68. See the full list here.

Read the full amicus brief
