In San Diego ICE Arrests Have Returned to 2014 Levels


In his January 25th executive order Pres. Trump reinstated the Secure Communities program allowing ICE to broaden their enforcement priorities. Since then ICE’s interior arrests of illegal aliens have reached 2014 levels before the Obama administration initiated the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), which limited ICE to only apprehending illegal aliens who committed felonies or multiple misdemeanors.

Conflicting Immigration Policies Blamed For California Women’s Murder

Santa Maria Police California Immigration Detainer Requests


Five days after being released from jail on a weapons charge illegal alien, Victor Aureliano Martinez, with illegal alien Jose Fernando Villagomez assaulted and killed Marilyn Pharis, a civilian Air Force contractor. Local law enforcement blames conflicting state and federal laws regarding immigration detainer requests as the reason why Martinez, who has been arrested multiple times, was allowed to remain in the US illegally.