
The E-Verify Train Has Left the Station


In a post below, Nadler acknowledges that workplace verification is important to fight gangs but that businesses are resisting the E-Verify system until they get an amnesty. Business lobbyists are indeed fighting a scorched-earth battle against anything that screens out illegals, but actual businesses are signing up by the tens of thousands. http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=Njc2YWM5NThmMTU4OWM0YzZjOTk4ZDM4ZmFmMjI1OGQ

By Mark Krikorian -- National Review Online

We Lost On a Tabling Motion, But Would We Have Won On a Straight E-Verify Vote?

Updated: April 1st, 2009, 5:16 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Paul of Montana asks: "Is there any difference between the procedural vote on Leahy's tabling motion on Sessions' E-Verify amendment and a straight vote on the amendment (for a long-term re-authorization)? Would a straight vote have won for E-Verify?" My answer is . . .

A Sellout of Our Unemployed


Indeed, E-Verify is becoming standard operating procedure for U.S. businesses that wish to obey the law. According to NumbersUSA, U.S. businesses have used E-Verify in 3 million inquiries this year alone. That is almost half the total of 6.6 million inquiries for all of 2008 and five times the rate of use in 2007.http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=31063

By Patrick J. Buchanan -- HumanEvents.com

NumbersUSA Members Chime in on Tuesday's Vote

Updated: April 1st, 2009, 5:16 pm


  by  Chris Chmielenski

We’ve had tremendous response to Roy’s blog analyzing Tuesday’s disappointing 50-47 vote in the Senate with more than 135 comments since it was posted that evening. Only one other blog in our history received more comments, and it dates back to July. If I had to guess, Tuesday’s blog would surpass that blog’s 160 comments by the end of the weekend.

Senate Again Shows Incredible Insensitivity to Jobless Americans (but this E-Verify fight moved the cause forward)

Updated: April 1st, 2009, 5:19 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Senate Republicans tonight stood unanimously with unemployed American workers in voting for a long-term extension of E-Verify to keep illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs. However, all but 7 Democratic votes were for continuing a series of months-long extensions to keep the future of E-Verify in doubt. And that was enough for a 50-47 majority to table Sen. Sessions' latest attempt to assure states and businesses that the federal government will continue to provide this essential program for opening American jobs for American workers. But in this temporary defeat, we see many signs of winning the battle. I'll tell you the reasons -- and which Senators were the biggest disappointments. . . .

Signers of Reps. Bilbray & Shuler Letter Regarding E-Verify Reauthorization


Brady, Rep. Kevin (R-TX-08)
Broun, Rep. Paul (R-GA-10)
Brown-Waite, Rep. Virginia (R-FL-05)
Burton, Rep. Dan (R-IN-05)
Calvert, Rep. Ken (R-CA-44)
Campbell, Rep. John (R-CA-48)
Capito, Rep. Shelley Moore (R-WV-02)
Carter, Rep. John (R-TX-31)
Chaffetz, Rep. Jason (R-UT-03)
Coble, Rep. Howard (R-NC-06)
Coffman, Rep. Mike (R-CO-06)
Culberson, Rep. John (R-TX-07)
Davis, Rep. Lincoln (D-TN-04)
Davis, Rep. Geoff (R-KY-04)

E-Verify Growing by 1,000 Companies per Week


New state laws and the growing fear of workplace enforcement have led to 1,000 new companies signing up per week for E-Verify. Arizona and Mississippi, who have mandatory E-Verify laws, along with several others that have some sort of E-Verify law in place lead the trend, but states without mandatory laws are also signing up at a fast pace.

Nevada Voters Want E-Verify -- Will Their Sen. Reid Give In To Them?

Updated: April 1st, 2009, 5:17 pm


  by  Roy Beck

A Zogby poll found that it is difficult to locate anybody in Nevada who doesn't support the E-Verify program to keep illegal foreign workers out of jobs. Yet, Nevada Sen. Reid has been blocking a long-term reauthorization of E-Verify for months. Friday, he finally gave in and said the Senate can vote on the program, but insiders say to watch out for a parliamentary trick that will block the vote at the last minute on Tuesday.

Your phone call TODAY could save E-Verify


The Senate will begin voting on amendments to Omnibus spending bill (HR 1105) this afternoon. Because of your activism, Sen. Sessions' Amendment 604 is on the list of amendments to be debated and voted on. Go to your ActionBuffet for specific actions. Your phone calls to your Senators are especially important today to ensure that E-Verify opponents don't kill the 5-year re-authorization by just "running out of time." Call your Senators now at 202-224-3121.

After Massive Public Outcry, Senate will get a Vote on Sessions' 5-year E-Verify Amendment

Sen. Jeff Sessions


Sen. Jeff Sessions' amendment to extend E-Verify for another five years has made the cut of amendments that will be voted on before a final vote on the Omnibus Appropriations bill. Yesterday, Sen Harry Reid blocked a vote on Sessions' amendment, but because the Senate was unable to get the 60 votes required to end the debate, he's been forced to open the bill back up.

Delay on Immigration Law in Utah Fails


A Utah bill, SB81, passed in March of last year requires public employers and contractors to use E-Verify effective July 1, 2009. It also made it illegal to lay off an employee while retaining an illegal alien in the same job category. State Senator Pat Jones proposed SB113 that would delay the implementation of SB81 for another year, but the bill died in committee on Monday.

Sen. Reid Tells Nevada Voters He Loves E-Verify -- So Why Does He Keep A ROPE Around Its Neck?

Updated: April 1st, 2009, 5:17 pm


  by  Roy Beck

While Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid does everything possible inside the Capitol to limit the use of E-Verify to keep illegal aliens out of jobs, he tells quite a different story to the voters of his state. Here is what he is saying in his letters to Nevada citizens: "I strongly believe that every job in our country should go only to those authorized to work in the United States. This is why I strongly support programs like E-Verify that are designed to ensure that employers only hire those who are legally authorized to work in the United States ..."

Anderson (S.C.) City Council asked to consider legal worker ordinance


While some still doubt if workers building the city’s new fire station are legal, the question on whom should make sure publicly-funded projects are following employment laws seems to rest in the hands of the Anderson City Council.

That’s thanks to a charge by former Clemson City Council member Margaret Thompson.

PROF. SWAIN: No task too audacious for Obama -- except protecting U.S. jobs from illegal workers

Updated: July 5th, 2017, 4:38 pm
Roy Beck's Picture


  by  Roy Beck

Carol Swain, professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University, has noted in the Nashville Tennessean that Pres. Obama has now promised to lead the way to cure cancer, end foreign oil dependence and guarantee higher education to everyone who wants it. But when it comes to keeping illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs so that unemployed Americans (especially Blacks and Hispanics) can have them, Obama can't seem to lift a finger.

Sen. Sessions Speaks on Importance of E-Verify


Sen. Sessions Speaks on Importance of E-Verify
Friday, February 27, 2009

Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, we have had a number of discussions in recent days about the E-Verify system that allows employers to do a quick computer check of an individual's Social Security number to validate whether it is a legitimate number before hiring them, an action that would help them avoid hiring people in the country illegally.

R-O-P-E Shows How to Strangle Grassroots Influence -- Warmup for Amnesty Passage?

Updated: February 23rd, 2009, 12:19 pm


  by  Roy Beck

We now have seen the ROPE swing into action and show its style. The implications for immigration policy are, frankly, terrifying. R-O-P-E is the Reid-Obama-Pelosi-Emanuel power bloc that called the shots on much of the Stimulus Bill with very little say from anybody else in the end. ROPE decided that illegal aliens would be welcomed to Stimulus jobs and made sure that 533 Members of Congress never got a chance to truly weigh in -- or be held accountable.

Stimulus Package Clears Congress Without E-Verify Protections For American Workers


Congress cleared for the President's signature the economic stimulus bill (H.R. 1), which excludes E-Verify protections for American workers. The Senate finalized action late tonight after Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), the 60th vote needed to pass the bill, returned from his mother's funeral in his state.

Sen. Jeff Sessions Blasts Reid and Pelosi for Stripping E-Verify from Stimulus Package

Sen. Jeff Sessions


Earlier today, Senator Jeff Sessions delivered a speech on the Senate floor attempting to add E-Verify back into the bill, citing studies from Heritage and the Center for Immigration Studies that said several hundred thousand stimulus jobs will go to illegal aliens. Sessions urged a floor vote, saying that E-Verify would more than likely pass a vote in the Senate.

Stimulus Conference Committee Strips E-Verify Protections for American Workers

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid


Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.) issued a press release tonight decrying the removal of House-passed E-Verify worker protections from the conference committee report, which could be voted on as early as tomorrow. He notes that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) were responsible. See Roy Beck's blog for more commentary on this injustice.

UNBELIEVABLE -- Democratic Leadership Requires Stimulus Job Access for Illegal Aliens -- Secret Negotiations

Updated: February 17th, 2009, 11:11 am


  by  Roy Beck

House Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Reid and the Obama White House were absolutely certain about one thing for the House/Senate negotiating committee on the Stimulus Bill:  There was to be no special restriction to keep illegal aliens from getting new jobs created by the bill at a cost of $250,000 to $500,000 each.



Colorado lawmakers kill bill on immigration job check


A Colorado state Senate committee has killed a bill that would have required all non-governmental employers to verify the immigration status of job applicants.http://www.aspentimes.com/article/20090209/NEWS/902099937/1058&title=Colorado%20lawmakers%20kill%20bill%20on%20immigration%20job%20check

The Associated Press - Aspen Times

Congressional Conferees to Decide Fate of E-Verify Amendments on Stimulus Package


Leaders from both the House and Senate began meeting on Tuesday night and will continue to meet on Wednesday to try and reach a compromise between the two different versions of the economic stimulus package. The House version contains two E-Verify amendments, which would extend the worker verification tool for another five years and require all businesses using stimulus money to use it. The Senate version does not contain the amendments.

SOUP KITCHEN: Can Senators See the Face of Unemployed Americans Whose Jobs They Give To Illegal Aliens?

Updated: February 17th, 2009, 11:12 am


  by  Roy Beck

My wife and I recently spent an evening assisting more than 600 people in families racked by unemployment and poverty. They were given a hot meal, bags of groceries, bus tokens, coupons and advice/counseling if requested. They needed a band-aid, and we gave them one. But most of all, these households need a job. The majority of U.S. Senators have decided that illegal foreign workers deserve a job as much as the Americans in our soup kitchen, meaning more of these Americans will remain jobless. Can the Senators even see these faces?

SMITH: Keep E-Verify system


The need to protect jobs for Americans is clear. Pushing for passage of the stimulus package, President Obama said, "The workers who are returning home to tell their husbands and wives and children that they no longer have a job... they need help now."

Ironically, the same day, news outlets reported that the Obama administration quietly delayed implementation of a rule designed precisely for that purpose: the requirement that federal contractors use E-Verify.

598,000 U.S. Jobs Lost in JAN -- Will Senate Today Go Through With Plan to Give Stimulus Jobs to Illegal Aliens?

Updated: February 11th, 2009, 5:17 pm


  by  Roy Beck

The feds' monthly report was even worse than expected: 598,000 jobs cut in January. And, yet, Senate leaders have still not given permission for a vote on a Stimulus Bill amendment that would keep illegal foreign workers from getting jobs created by the massive taxpayer effort. How many Americans have to lose their jobs before they are given priority over illegal aliens and the outlaw companies that hire them?

STUDY: current Senate Stimulus bill would give 300,000 construction jobs to illegal aliens (UNLESS E-VERIFY ADDED)

Updated: April 1st, 2009, 5:17 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Sounds crazy but that is just business as usual. While hundreds of thousands of American construction workers are unemployed, businesses across America continue to employ illegal aliens and will be allowed to use Stimulus money to hire hundreds of thousands more illegal aliens. The Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are lobbying the Senate to ensure that businesses can use Stimulus money to hire illegal aliens. Nearly every national Hispanic advocacy group is lobbying the Senate to ensure that illegal aliens have the same access to Stimulus jobs as unemployed Hispanic American citizens. It's a crazy world. Will the Senate endorse insanity or pass an E-Verify amendment?

N.J. Town to Consider E-Verify


A measure that would require the municipality and its contractors to confirm employment eligibility of new employees using a federal database has been introduced by the Borough Council.

The proposed ordinance, if adopted, would require all new employees to be electronically checked for eligibility through a system called E-Verify.http://www.mycentraljersey.com/article/20090201/NEWS/902010330

By Leo D. Rommel -- MyCentralJersey.com

Groups aim to protect U.S. jobs in stimulus bill


NumbersUSA head Roy Beck said E-Verify made it easier for good businesses to follow the rules and made it harder for unscrupulous ones to game the system. "It doesn't keep every single illegal worker out, but it's a step in the right direction," he said.http://www.latimes.com/news/local/immigration/la-na-immigjobs31-2009jan31,0,6207679.story

By Anna Gorman - Los Angeles Times

Napolitano "believs in E-Verify"


"I believe in E-Verify. I believe it has to be an integral part of our immigration enforcement system," Napolitano said. "The review is intended to see what needs to be done to increase the capacity for the E-Verify system, how quickly that can be done."http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/29/AR2009012903729.html%5C

By Spencer S. Hsu -- Washington Post

The Biggest 2 Lies About E-Verify (arguments to keep hiring illegal aliens)

Updated: January 4th, 2010, 3:38 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Senators are being pounded from seemingly every direction to keep E-Verify out of their Stimulus bill next week (after the House this week put strong E-Verify requirements in their bill to make sure illegal aliens don't get jobs created by the Stimulus). The anti-E-Verify folks are relying on enough Senators believing arguments that are demonstrable lies. AND THE 2 BIGGEST LIES ARE ........

Senators Sessions and Nelson Urge Senate Leadership to Include E-Verify in Stimulus Plan


In a co-authored letter sent earlier today, Senators Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Ben Nelson (D-NE) urged the Senate leadership to include provisions in the economic stimulus package that would require businesses using stimulus money to use E-Verify to ensure the jobs are going to American citizens. The House version of the bill, which passed last night, included an amendment requiring the use of E-Verify, but the current Senate version does not include it.

Feds again push back E-Verify deadline


The federal government has agreed to postpone implementing the E-Verify regulation for federal contractors until May 21, 2009 at the earliest, a business group said today. The regulation requires contractors to check with the E-Verify system to ascertain whether workers are legally eligible to work in the United States. http://washingtontechnology.com/articles/2009/01/28/everify-postponed.aspx

By Alice Lipowicz - Washington Technology

House E-Verify Victory Raises Question of Whether Illegal-Worker Supporters Willing to Fight in a Roll Call Vote

Updated: April 1st, 2009, 5:17 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Despite frantic behind-the-scenes lobbying, the massive pro-illegal-worker coalition did not force a vote on the U.S. House floor Wednesday to strip from the Stimulus bill two strong new E-Verify provisions. But our NumbersUSA Hill Team has heard a number of indications of preparations for closed-door killing of these provisions in the Senate or in a joint congressional/White House conference committee. Our job is to force this fight into the open to find out which Senators (and President) will insist on the right of unscrupulous governments and businesses to hire illegal foreign workers.

E-Verify Passes House in Stimulus Bill


The House passed its version of the stimulus package tonight, which included provisions requiring the use of E-Verify to ensure that all new jobs go to citizens and legal immigrants. The Senate has yet to pass its version, so there is still an opportunity to add E-Verify by amendment. Rep. Ken Calvert of California and Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia led the house effort.
