young americans

Why Does the Government Give Financial Incentives to Bypass Teen Job Applicants?

Updated: July 27th, 2017, 9:05 am


  by  Jeremy Beck

Should American businesses work harder to hire teenagers who want the job? By giving businesses an offer they can't refuse, the U.S. government's answer is "no." 

A $100 million dollar industry facilitated by the State Department gives employers a significant discount on foreign hires.

This Week on Immigration in the Wall Street Journal

Updated: July 24th, 2017, 2:31 pm


  by  Jeremy Beck

Congress continues to issue over 1 million green cards and approximately 700,000 temporary guest worker visas a year. The Senate immigration bill and its House counterpart would double those numbers, a fact that tends to go unnoticed in the media. I often wonder if immigration reporters and their colleagues who cover employment and the economy read each other's stories.